Watering Instructions

How do I water my seasonal planters?

Seasonal Container Watering Instructions

To get the most out of each seasonal container, all you need to do is water regularly! It’s simple, but important. Water inside the lip of each container. Watering at the base of the plants, will ensure that you’re getting water to where the plants really need it - the roots. You DO NOT want water over head. Watering over head could cause disease issues, including leaf spotting, and wastes water.  Watering at the base of the plants is the most efficient, healthiest for the plant and wastes the least amount of water. 

We only deliver hand selected plants, customized to you and your site. Kate Wilson Design LLC is not liable for the condition of your planter after delivery. It is the customer’s responsibility to water their seasonal planters. Because every planter is personalized to the customer, we do not offer returns. Kate Wilson Design is so excited for you and we want you to get the most out of your seasonal containers by watering them regularly!

Spring containers: The cooler spring temperatures will allow you to water every other day, to every third day, but check your pots to make sure they are hydrated. If temperatures are above 70, please water well every other day. 

Do not depend on the “spring showers” to water your containers, because a good soil soaking is always best. The spring plants are made to withstand cold temps and even snow. However, a hard frost may do some damage. We recommend a light frost cloth or sheet if the weather is calling for a hard frost warning or below 30 degrees. Please do not use plastic or hard coverings on your pots.

Summer containers: Water once daily. Water at the base of the plants, inside the lip of the container. It is best if the water is at a medium rate, more than a trickle nor at full blast. Count to 10 slowly. Water regardless of any rainfall - a deep soaking is always best.  If your container is in a deep shady spot, water once every two or three days.

Fall containers: Water once every three days. Water at the base of the plants, inside the lip of the container. It is best if the water is at a medium rate, more than a trickle nor at full blast. Count to 5 slowly. Move onto the next planter and then circle back, watering all your containers twice for 5 slow seconds each time. Water regardless of rainfall. If your container is in a deep shady spot, water once every week.

Winter containers: water once a week in November. By December, water deeply once every two weeks. By January, only water once for the entire month on a non-freezing temperature day to keep greens looking fresh or if you have small evergreen trees. Do not water in the month of February, unless we have an unusually warm month. 

How do I water my new landscape plantings?

Water deeply at the base of each plant on a slow trickle, so that the water is soaking into the rootball and not running off. 

Perennials for 5-10 minutes each

Shrubs for 15 minutes each

Trees for 25-30 minutes each

If planted in the Spring, water once a week regardless of rainfall. In the Summer when temperatures are hot, water twice a week deeply regardless of any rainfall. And in the Fall, water once a week backing off to one every two weeks until the ground freezes, typically in December. Watering this way is a chore, but it only needs to be done for the first season after planting to get their root systems well established. Getting your plants well established is important, so that they will be happy, healthy and low maintenance for the long-term!